Jun 7, 2007

Federal Reserve..A rip off.

How many of heard of these names?
Hambros, Barring, Selingman, Rothschild and Morgan.

Anyways these names represent the huge banking dynasty that control our federal reserve.
What do I mean by that?
Lets get a quick 101 as how we came to where we are today. For last last two and a half century when citizens of nations were busy winning freedom and democracy from their monarchs, the major Banking families of the world had a vested interest in nullifying the representative government. To go about doing these they set up behind the scene new dynasties to serve their interest in the form of financial giants.
This elite group learned and knew that all forms of government needed money in times of emergency and by providing these funds with special string attached, they could go about controlling represented government.
These elite group is also known in the main stream as International Bankers. Though it is represented by a huge group of Jewish families, it is by no means only a game played by them as many propose. It consist of Germans, English, Jewish and people of different origin and race.
These elite group in the main stream is known as the International Bankers.

These are not the banks that you deal with everyday, but they are mainly involved in dealing with Governments and the industrial giants of the world. The key to their success is to create a cloud around their control of the money of a nation and make it look like, the government of the nation is in control of the money. The key to this is create money out of nothing, and then lend it to government and then create interest out it; to say the least a very lucrative and a profitable transaction.

Now I can go in the technicality of how these is done, but I will leave the research for the hungry brain. For those who just want to read about it then during the 1800 two major families among these international bankers where located in USA.
One in New York headed by J.P Morgan and the other centered in Ohio headed by the Rockefeller & Co. When these two co-operated they could control the economic life of the country to a great degree which leads to control of the political life; at least at the federal level.

It was only matter of time and inevitable that the International Banking group will create a monopoly like the ones they has previously succeeded in Germany, England, France and many other European countries. Create a deception of government control when the real control is in private hands.

John D Rockefeller had purchased the ney your Chase bank and his brother William had bought the National Citi Bank of new York.

The Chase bank was later merged with Warburg Manhattan bank to form Chase Manhattan. Once of the biggest financial group in the world today. These groups later spent millions in government legislation that will grant a private franchise control over the nations money system. To sell this to voters these group created the propegenda that the new law will act against the current banking monopoly. And the politician took up the phrase "Banking Reform" and of course as all great act, to make things believable the banking families rejected the proposed solution but in reality financing the whole scheme from behind the scene.

One Dec 22, 1913; the Federal Reserve act was passed into law. This gave the birth to the Federal Reserve and with which the control of the money was given to the private hands. The treasury prints only money that the Federal reserve tells it to print. Now the Federal reserve is not a government agency and is beyond the reach of the voters.

Technically the stock of the Federal reserve is held by 12 privately owned national banks and that makes up the Federal reserve system. The key thing to know is that these banks are owned eventually by the International Banking dynasties I mentioned previously (For the hungry brain there is now room for research).

The 7 member of the Fed Reserve board are appointed by the president for the tenure of 14 years each. These members are there to ensure to create the illusion that people through their elected leaders have some voice and control over the national monitory policies. But till today not a single President has chosen a member that is not associated with the financial interest of the banking dynasty.

Now pay attention. If you have been reading carefully I had mentioned previously that these banking dynasties make interest of debt and not on money given. Well this is how it works. When the Federal government is in debt it borrows money from the federal reserve (controlled by the Banking dynasty); in reality no hard cash or gold is given.

The national debt today is more than 8 trillion. And just to make the basic payments or interest on this debt we the tax payers are forced (because you don't have a choice) to give more than 20 billion dollars. Well here is what it looks like in numbers $$$20,000,000,000. Now thats just the interest on money that was created out of nothing.

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