Jun 7, 2007

Federal Reserve..A rip off.

How many of heard of these names?
Hambros, Barring, Selingman, Rothschild and Morgan.

Anyways these names represent the huge banking dynasty that control our federal reserve.
What do I mean by that?
Lets get a quick 101 as how we came to where we are today. For last last two and a half century when citizens of nations were busy winning freedom and democracy from their monarchs, the major Banking families of the world had a vested interest in nullifying the representative government. To go about doing these they set up behind the scene new dynasties to serve their interest in the form of financial giants.
This elite group learned and knew that all forms of government needed money in times of emergency and by providing these funds with special string attached, they could go about controlling represented government.
These elite group is also known in the main stream as International Bankers. Though it is represented by a huge group of Jewish families, it is by no means only a game played by them as many propose. It consist of Germans, English, Jewish and people of different origin and race.
These elite group in the main stream is known as the International Bankers.

These are not the banks that you deal with everyday, but they are mainly involved in dealing with Governments and the industrial giants of the world. The key to their success is to create a cloud around their control of the money of a nation and make it look like, the government of the nation is in control of the money. The key to this is create money out of nothing, and then lend it to government and then create interest out it; to say the least a very lucrative and a profitable transaction.

Now I can go in the technicality of how these is done, but I will leave the research for the hungry brain. For those who just want to read about it then during the 1800 two major families among these international bankers where located in USA.
One in New York headed by J.P Morgan and the other centered in Ohio headed by the Rockefeller & Co. When these two co-operated they could control the economic life of the country to a great degree which leads to control of the political life; at least at the federal level.

It was only matter of time and inevitable that the International Banking group will create a monopoly like the ones they has previously succeeded in Germany, England, France and many other European countries. Create a deception of government control when the real control is in private hands.

John D Rockefeller had purchased the ney your Chase bank and his brother William had bought the National Citi Bank of new York.

The Chase bank was later merged with Warburg Manhattan bank to form Chase Manhattan. Once of the biggest financial group in the world today. These groups later spent millions in government legislation that will grant a private franchise control over the nations money system. To sell this to voters these group created the propegenda that the new law will act against the current banking monopoly. And the politician took up the phrase "Banking Reform" and of course as all great act, to make things believable the banking families rejected the proposed solution but in reality financing the whole scheme from behind the scene.

One Dec 22, 1913; the Federal Reserve act was passed into law. This gave the birth to the Federal Reserve and with which the control of the money was given to the private hands. The treasury prints only money that the Federal reserve tells it to print. Now the Federal reserve is not a government agency and is beyond the reach of the voters.

Technically the stock of the Federal reserve is held by 12 privately owned national banks and that makes up the Federal reserve system. The key thing to know is that these banks are owned eventually by the International Banking dynasties I mentioned previously (For the hungry brain there is now room for research).

The 7 member of the Fed Reserve board are appointed by the president for the tenure of 14 years each. These members are there to ensure to create the illusion that people through their elected leaders have some voice and control over the national monitory policies. But till today not a single President has chosen a member that is not associated with the financial interest of the banking dynasty.

Now pay attention. If you have been reading carefully I had mentioned previously that these banking dynasties make interest of debt and not on money given. Well this is how it works. When the Federal government is in debt it borrows money from the federal reserve (controlled by the Banking dynasty); in reality no hard cash or gold is given.

The national debt today is more than 8 trillion. And just to make the basic payments or interest on this debt we the tax payers are forced (because you don't have a choice) to give more than 20 billion dollars. Well here is what it looks like in numbers $$$20,000,000,000. Now thats just the interest on money that was created out of nothing.

May 30, 2007

Capitalism, Consumerism

Many views have tried to come up in the last century; fascism, communism, democracy, religion (Islam), but only one has managed to creep up on top. It has challenged the very fabric of our society. Today it dictates who go to war with, who we call friend and who we call our enemy.
Consumerism, yes you have you heard it right.
Isn't Consumerism a high and posh way of saying Shopping. We all go buy things and we are consumers in that manner. So how is it bad. Well to understand what is bad in it, we have to get a little idea of how economics works in todays world.
In todays lame term, a economy is doing good, if we consume more and more every year. And everything is trying to convince us to consume more, advertisement bombardment. Buy this brand and not that brand, this is better and this is cheaper. In selling all this products they are selling us one sure thing; THE IDEA.
THE IDEA OF BUYING NEW THINGS and that our life would be somehow better if we have more and more things. Bigger home, bigger car, bigger and expensive things.

I have only come to notice this, when the other day I spent 60 dollars for a pair of shoes, that I did not need to begin with. I already have 2 pairs of shoes, and why did I need that brown shoe. Isn't it because they tell me I need it. My buddy every now and then calls me out to mall to take stroll. It has almost become our favorite pass time.
There is definately something wrong when our favorite pass time is walking around the mall and shopping centers. The devil in it is that it very seductive and its also very leathel.
We are shopaholics.

As consumers we dont really know what things really costs. If we dont demand things from India, for example mangoes and other things, then we dont have to worry about it. Just imagine the amount of fuel that was spent to get the magoes to USA. Each act of consumerism comes with a price tag to the environment weather you realize it or not. Now think about trees, Green house gases, the whole ecosystem is changing. And its all happening and happening through consumerism.

What has changed from the past that we have fallen pray to this. Well if you go back you will see power in the hands of very few and the similarly they being the major consumers of lavish things. The rest of the world was and poor and many of them did not care. Why? Well it was the fear of GOD.

Fear of God; religion told people not to focus on materials and to focus on spiritual and after life. When religion was the force in the past it set the trend.
During 17th century with new trade routes came new middle class and this unleashed an era of new middle class who liked the wealth and bragged their consumption. It was no longer a taboo to do so.
This brought about the philosophy of unleshing invidividual interest to move the economy forwards. By letting individual persue their worldly interest it will drive the economy faster and better. Came the existence of CAPITALSIM; with the help of consumerism.

Today consumerism tries to dictate who we should try to be like. What looks good and what does not look good. What you need to have to be part of the society. So if I refuse to buy new clothes because my old ones are still good then I have an outcast.
When the president of the most powerful country tells me to go Shop (Bush). I start to question what is behind all these shopping; and why is it important to the most powerful country in the world.

So is global terrorism the real big threat today, or is it consumerism. What will happen if a wave of ideas come out where people stop buying things they dont need, they stop shopping. What will happen to the world economy and super powers? What will happen to China, US and other consumer driven economies?

Trust me happiness is not how rich you are, today we have this relentless pressure to earn more and buy more and be better than someone else is self defeating. Feeling secure and good can not be solved by consumerism.

So for now there is no foreseen future rather than consumerism, but is there a way to redirect and change things. Can we get out of this and change our life style to get out of this economic machine.

Well I will tell you this my friend, the people that we give the power to make decisions on our behalf are not going to change it.

Apr 23, 2007

Pirates of Silicon Valley

Want to waste 1hr 36 min and and 50 seconds of your time then watch the tale of the 2 loons who claim to have ...... done what ever they say they did with the world.

Apr 16, 2007

Installing Ruby on Rails

It seems as though all the information for getting a full Ruby on Rails system up and running in Ubuntu is pretty scattered about the web, so I thought this makes a perfect opportunity to go ahead and condense it all in one place. From start to finish.. Here we go.

Install Ruby

First we need to install ruby and a few extra things so we don’t have issues later. Just installing ruby will work to some degree, but things will break later.

sudo apt-get install ruby ruby1.8 ruby1.8-dev rdoc ri irb

Install MySQL

A lot of Rails folks like to use sqlite.. i haven’t tested it but I believe that’s as easy as ‘sudo apt-get install sqlite3’. Could involve more steps though. Here’s what I did to install MySQL.

sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysql-ruby

Then, just to be safe, lets add a password for root.

mysqladmin -u root password NEW_PASSWORD
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

You may want to go ahead and create your databases now, or save it for later…

mysql -u root -p

Install Ruby Gems

Ruby Gems will install a majority of Rails and any other cool stuff we need specific to Ruby. There’s no package of it availiable for ubuntu (as of right now) so you’ll have to download it yourself. The current version as of today is 0.9.2, but make sure that’s the most current version before following the steps below exactly by going to http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=126. If it’s not, then just replace the url below with the url to the most current version.

wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/11289/rubygems-0.9.2.tgz
tar zxvf rubygems-0.9.2.tgz
cd rubygems-0.9.0
sudo ruby setup.rb

Install Rails
Next it’s time to install Rails. If you followed all the directions till now, it shouldn’t be a problem. I have run into the problem of rdoc spilling out a bunch of errors if you failed to install that. I’ve also read that you have to be in your home dir to perform this step. Not sure if that’s true, but it couldn’t hurt.

sudo gem install rails -y

This should get you running, however you need to install Apache or lighthttpd to host your rails application.

Apr 13, 2007

SMS Service with Free Software

Before you start I would say you get familiar with Kannel at http://kannel.org/
Go through the documentation.

So what we will do is set up a simple SMS based service using Kannel and Linux. Kannel is a famous, powerful, open source and free SMS gateway and WAP gateway. You can use it to connect to a mobile operator's SMS center (SMSC), or using a GSM mobile phone or GSM modem as a virtual SMS center. Kannel can handle multiple SMS centers and virtual SMS centers.

Kannel supports the use of AT-capable mobile phones as virtual SMS centers. Most GSM mobile phones are capable to work with AT commands these days. A small list of mobile phones and GSM modems that are known to work as virtual SMS centers with Kannel is available on its web site.

The SMSC access protocols supported by Kannel include SMPP, CIMD, UCP / EMI and SMS2000 / OIS. In addition, Kannel has an HTTP / HTTPS interface that you can use to send and receive SMS messages.

I use Fedora Core 6 as my OS (desktop). A few methods to setup kannel using FC is, log in as root. Then execute the following command on your console

yum -y install kannel

or download the tarball from Kannel web site and compile it

This will get kannel installed on your box. Next is if you are using a GSM mobile, you need to make it work with your linux box. One easy way is setup the mobile as a GSM modem, via bluetooth. In my case I use the Bluez library for bluetooth connectivity. If you don't have it get it installed. All from FC3 up come preconfigured with Bluez libraries and all. In case you are using other distributions please get Bluez libraries and install them. On FC do the following. In any case your box needs to have bluetooth support.

yum -y install bluez-libs bluez-pin bluez-utils bluez-hcidump bluez-utils-cup

That should get you all fixed up. If you are using a bluetooth USB dongle you need to do the following

modprobe hci_usb


modprobe usb-uhci

If all goes well, type the following


then your output should be something like the following

hci0: Type: USB
BD Address: 00:0F:B3:90:86:46 ACL MTU: 192:8 SCO MTU: 64:8
RX bytes:5159 acl:5 sco:0 events:129 errors:0
TX bytes:1599 acl:5 sco:0 commands:83 errors:0

This means youe bluetooth device is all set to go. Now you just need to configure it. To test if your bluetooth is working, you can do a simple scan of all devices as follows. type

hcitool scan

which should give you an output simmiler to

Scanning ...
00:0F:B3:90:7B:6E WTM--LAP-07
00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F Dark
00:10:C6:82:A8:6F WTM-ITLAP-03

Anyway, the configuration is very simple and straight forward. If you want to bind to your mobile you need to configure Bluez.The configuration of blues will be located in /etc/bluetooth/ edit the following files and do medications as per your requirements. Add the following lines to rfcomm.conf

rfcomm0 {
bind yes;
device 00:00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F
channel 1;
comment "darkumoonu";

here 00:00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F is the mac address of my mobile. You need to change that accordingly . When you do a “hcitool scan” you'd get all the devices that your box finds. To make sure you are able to reach it you can even ping the device. Type l2ping mac; example

[root@darkmoon bluetooth]# l2ping 00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F
Ping: 00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F from 00:0F:B3:90:86:46 (data size 44) ...
0 bytes from 00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F id 0 time 58.93ms
0 bytes from 00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F id 1 time 17.34ms
0 bytes from 00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F id 2 time 17.31ms
0 bytes from 00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F id 3 time 16.31ms
4 sent, 4 received, 0% loss
Next you need to start the service. Do the following, type “etc/rc.d/init.d/bluetooth restart” or simply “servic bluetooth restart”

Now to talk the mobiles modem, type the following command.

rfcomm bind 00:0E:6D:CC:04:7F 1

This will essentially bind the Phones Modem to /dev/rfcomm0. Now we can check by issuing rfcomm.

[root@darkmoon bluetooth]# rfcomm
rfcomm0: 00:00:0E:6D:CC:04 channel 1 clean

You should get something like that. Ok, that about all you need to do to get your GSM device working with Linux. There is other configurations that you need to do if needed.

Ok, lets get back to Kannel. The Kannel configuration file will be localed in /etc/ edit /etc/kannel.conf

remove all the lines in the file and add the following

group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
admin-password = bar
log-file = "/tmp/kannel.log"
log-level = 0

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host =
sendsms-port = 13013
global-sender = 13013
sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-"
log-file = "/tmp/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "/tmp/smsaccess.log"

group = sendsms-user
username = tester
password = foobar

#Nokia Modem

group = smsc
smsc = at
smsc-id = nokia_smsc
modemtype = nokiaphone
device = /dev/rfcomm0
speed = 9600
pin = BlueZ

group = modems
id = nokiaphone
name = "Nokia Phone"
detect-string = "Nokia Mobile Phone"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0"
speed = 115200
enable-hwhs = "AT+IFC=2,2"
need-sleep = false
no-pin = true
no-smsc = false
sendline-sleep = 100
keepalive-cmd = "AT+CBC;+CSQ"
broken = true
message-storage = "ME"
enable-mms = true

Now do the following

[root@darkmoon etc]# service kannel start
Starting kannel bearer box: [ OK ]
Starting kannel sms box: [ OK ]

That will get Kannel started as a service. If you fail look into the logs at /tmp/ /tmp/kannel.log and tmp/smsbox.log. That will help you to get started to debug and solve the problem.

Ok, So now if kannel is working you should be able to send SMS using the kannel web interface. Example from kannel

Type that in your browser. Again. If it gives any problems get back to logs and if needed google around. There is not much help for kannel out on the web, except the kannel documentation and the mailing list. But its easy to figure out most of the issues.

If you have access to a SMSC (if you are a telecom operator) you will need the following to connect to the SMSC. Add the lines to the kannel.conf and bring the needed changes.

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
host = "ip of your SMSC"
port = "port"
receive-port = "port"
smsc-username = "change"
smsc-password = "change"
system-type = ""
address-range = ""
interface-version = 33
source-addr-ton = 1
source-addr-npi = 1

You will need to have routes added to access the SMSC from your network. In my case, I have a FC5 box setup a SMSGW running Kannel and using SMPP to communicate to the SMSC.

So what do we do next. A simple service we can setup is one like Dhiraagu has to offer. Example the Haveeru news service. If someone sends you a SMS with the text “haveeru” we want to SMS him/her the new headlines. To do this we need to write a simple script to fatch the news from haveeru. For this perl is a good choice. So you need to have perl installed on your system. You would also need a cpan library to read the RSS feeds. Execute the following command first

cpan install XML::RSS

This will get the library installed. Next create a perl script called haveeru.pl with the following lines.


# import packages
use XML::RSS;
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;

# initialize object
$rss = new XML::RSS();

# get RSS data
$raw = get('http://www.haveeru.com.mv/xml/index.php');

# parse RSS feed
my $news='(*) ';

foreach my $item (@{$rss->{'items'}}) {
$title = $item->{'title'};
$url = $item->{'link'};
$news = $news . $title .' (*) ';
print("$title\n"); # we will only display the news titles

So now to add the service, you will need to add the following lines to the kannel.conf file.

group = sms-service
keyword = haveeru
exec = "/usr/bin/perl /home/darkmoon/perl/haveeru.pl"
accepted-smsc="change as needed"

When the subscriber sends a SMS to a set short code, with the text "haveeru", it will execute the script we have. Then the output will be sent back to the subscriber. So there you go. Now you have a SMS based service up and running. There is a lot more you can do with kannel and others; just play around. Simple and easy.